Das Kollektiv

One Love – Jürg Halter vs Kutti MC

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[bs_row][accordeon title=”CONTENT”]The documentary film “One Love” follows the poet and rapper Jürg Halter, aka KUTTI MC, on an adventurous journey through Tokyo and Los Angeles and back to Bern. Before the release of his new album, the film shows different facets of the young Bernese artist’s life. The world did not wait for him, but he in turn did not wait for the world.

In co-production with SF, Klanghotel and 3Sat
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Type of film: TV Documentary
Production stage: Finished
Produced in: 2006
Duration: 52 minutes
Languages: German / Swiss German / Japanese / English

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With: Jürg Halter / Kutti MC, Shuntaro Tanikawa

Buch & Regie: Susanna Hübscher, Hannes Hug
Producer: Philip Delaquis
Production manager: Stefan Zuber
Camera: Till Brinkmann
Sound: Simon Baumann
Editing: Gion-Reto Killias
Music: Benfay

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